
This and That

Hello there,

These past couple of weeks have been so fun, catching up with good friends, visiting cool places and listening to wonderful music. Here are some photos of the things I have been doing, loving and inspired by : 

I finally got the cactus Sonny Angel !! Yayayay ! I love the feeling of opening a Sonny Angel and then finding out that it is one you have been wanting for ages. 

Today I  went to GOMA with one of my closest friends, Elke ! We had a great time looking at the exhibitions and wandering around the cute GOMA shop. 

Elke's shirt looked so good against this artwork ! 

Elke and I also had heaps of fun making the burger Popin Cookin ! They turned out pretty good . They never quite look like the packet though...

I LOVE the loving earth chocolate ! My bestie Ella actually introduced this to me when she sent me some for my Birthday ! I love the salted caramel .. Omg amazing . 

I am still absolutely loving my new Gorman jacket ! I finally bought it after wanting it for so long ! Lots of saving up for this !

Thanks for reading this post, what have you been up to, I would love to know ! 

India Xx


  1. Hello India!

    By no means am I trying to be rude but I just was wondering whether you are asian or not... i am asian and i wanted to know if you were too.

    Keep up the amazing work on the blog!

    xx Kitty Kat

  2. Also, i am fairly new to the blog so that is why i was wondering... sorry if this sounds so nosy!

    kindness intended :)

    xx Kitty Kat

    1. Hi Kitty Kat! don't worry, questions are good ! but no, I'm born in Australia. thanks for reading ! india xx
